Southgate Kids Ministry exists to glorify God by making Christ-followers of kids from nursery through 5th grade.
At Southgate, we are not seeking to simply provide babysitting or entertainment for our kids. Southgate Kids Ministry seeks to provide a safe, welcoming, & fun environment where we help kids follow Jesus and grow in their knowledge of Him & His Gospel. We strive to introduce the truths of Gospel to kids each and every week through reading God’s Word, prayer, and different crafts & activities. Our desire is that every kid who is a part of Southgate Kids Ministry will trust Jesus as their Savior and receive building blocks for a lifelong faith.
Kids Ministry Programming

Nursery/Toddler (0-2 years)
Nursery care welcomes infants and toddlers from birth to 2 years in a safe & playful environment, so their parents or guardians can participate in the worship service or engage in other ministries. This is done by a caring nursery staff through use of various age appropriate toys and books that are centered on the Gospel. If the need should arise, our check-in system allows the nursery staff to notify a child’s parents.

2s & 3s (2-4 years)
Our 2s & 3s class seeks to introduce 2 and 3 year old kids to four simple truths about who God is and how we are to respond to Him from a curriculum called Puggles. These truths are God Made Everything, God is Great, God Loves Us, and We Give Thanks. During class, students will learn an age-appropriate Bible story & Bible verse that is centered on one of these truths in addition to free play and snack time.

Pre-K (4-5 years)
Our Pre-K class is designed for kids not yet in kindergarten and seeks to help them understand that God’s Word provides answers to questions they might have about the world around them. This is done by a curriculum called Cubbies where kids learn more about who God is, the problem of sin, and how they can be saved through Jesus Christ. In addition to a Bible story and memory verse, Pre-K kids sing songs, make crafts, enjoy snacks, and have free play.

Elementary (K-4th during the worship service)
Kids in Kindergarten-4th grade begin in the main worship service with their families and are dismissed to Kids Ministry Programming (called Journey) before the sermon. Our desire is to ensure that these kids are exposed to the regular worship service at an early age, yet also receive age-appropriate instruction about the truth of God’s Word and how it connects to their lives. This is done each week during the school year (except the first Sunday of the month) through a question and answer format through the New City Catechism Kids Curriculum. At the conclusion of the worship service, kids in Journey will go to their designated Sunday school classes (K-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th) to recite a memory verse, enjoy snacks, and learn more about God’s Big Story in Scripture through a curriculum called Brite*. 5th graders are invited to attend a Sunday school class after the worship service as well.